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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04



It’s an open secret that going to Cambridge isn’t just about education. It’s about the gowns we wear when heading to formal hall, the wine and port we’re served at the start of every talk and the jobs we get once we graduate.


We acknowledge that it’s incredibly unrealistic and we use the word 'bubble' to describe it. It’s a bubble because it’s almost like an exclusive club – and membership is for life.


I spent the first week of my second year welcoming and getting to know freshers at Trinity. I also, occasionally, shepherded them around the place – the college, the town and its awful nightlife.


Elitism in Cambridge is more complicated than many make it out to be. But a visit to Ryder & Amies and a quick walk through town in term time should suffice to clarify things.


We sport our college scarfs everywhere in the winter months and it becomes obvious how disjointed a university we are when everyone’s seen wearing different colours and fewer than 7 per cent of the student body vote in a referendum launched by the Cambridge University Students’ union .

我们带着学校的领结,在别人看到的时候会觉得跟学校脱节,每个人 都戴着不同的颜色,并且剑桥大学学生会发起的投票只有7%的学生去参加。

Neither does the language used by students help things. I go to Trinity, Cambridge’s richest college – it’s where Isaac Newton, Lord Byron and Prince Charles all went. It’s known as a 'posh college'. I learnt this when a friend at King’s called me posh the other day and later reasoned that it was solely because I went to Trinity.


The students at Trinity make jokes about our college owning bits and pieces of other colleges and I’ve been told many times by Trinitarians that it is OK for us to think we’re better than the other colleges, “because we actually are”. We’re old, we’re the richest and we’re on top of the Tompkins table.


St. John’s is also perceived as being a posh college, but that’s because of its wealth, prestige and its students’ reputation for intolerable arrogance. Meanwhile, the Wyverns, a banned drinking society, gives Magdalene a certain something. Moreover, Peterhouse is regarded as elitist by virtue of it being the oldest and most conservative college.


There is a lot of truth in the statement that your experience at Cambridge will be largely dependent on the college you go to. As a medical student at Trinity, I was given all the textbooks I needed for first year free of charge. In second year when I started rowing, I was refunded the price of my kit – this is not a thing that happens at other colleges. Moreover, our accommodation is better and cheaper than many of the other colleges and I’m tempted to think this somehow contributes to the problem.


The better the college, the more it can provide its students, the more money they save and the more they have to spend on other things. It’s too easy to be perceived as posh or elitist when you have extra money to spend on pretentiousness.


When meeting new people at Cambridge, you’re not usually asked what school you went to. At this stage of the game, when you’re all at Cambridge, that question becomes irrelevant. Rather you’re asked what college you go to and you’re accordingly put into a neat little box.


Perhaps the collegiate system makes this inescapable. Colleges at Cambridge are financially independent institutions and at any one point there will be wealthy colleges and poor ones. And when it comes to prestige, modern colleges have no way of creating a history for themselves.


In an article for The Cambridge Student, Sam Rhodes claims that, “poshness in Cambridge is impossible to avoid” – I agree.

在一篇《剑桥大学》的文章中,Sam Rhodes说:“这种豪华在剑桥大学是不可避免的。”我同意这一观点。

Whether you come from a public school or a state comprehensive, you’ll learn to be proud of the college you attend. The better you think your college is, the more proud you will be. Pride is a dangerous thing, however, and, for many, it reinvents itself into elitism. Your colleagues at the other colleges then become the first victims of your elitism – by nature of proximity.


This culture of otherness and elitism, however, does an enormous amount of damage to the spirit of the student body and weakens our university wide Students’ union gravely.









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