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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04


2010年11月1日 - 出席在北京举办的澳中校友会,为获奖者颁发2011年奋进奖。

2010年11月2日 - 出席媒体发布会,表明中国留学生可以利用“学在澳洲”这个门户网站,更好的了解在澳洲留学,就业,社保以及与生活相关的一些信息。

2010年11月2日 - 出席媒体发布会,宣布吉拉德政府将捐献10万美金作为中澳大学交换生项目的发展基金。

2010年11月3日 - 中澳将进一步联合加大对纳米技术的研究力度。澳洲ATN科技大学联盟和中国的国际战略技术大学联盟将共同创建中澳纳米研究联合实验室。

2011年11月3日 - 签署新的国际教育合作。表示澳大利亚学生和中国学生将受益于新的国际教育伙伴关系。这项协约将促进悉尼科技大学和上海大学的交流,研究与培训。

2010年11月4日 - 会见教育集团总经理刘媛女士,会谈与分析有关推广澳洲留学的各方面形势与情况。

澳大利亚出资10万澳元 拓展中澳大学交流

2010年11月2日 ,澳大利亚高等教育部长克里斯•埃文斯参议员(Senator Chris Evans)在北京宣布澳大利亚政府将出资拓展创新性的中澳大学校长能力建设交流项目。











2 November 2010

$100,000 to expand China-Australia University Exchange

An innovative exchange program for Australian and Chinese university leaders will be expanded with funding announced in Beijing today by Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans.

Senator Evans said the Gillard Government would contribute $100,000 to expand the China-Australia Executive Leadership Program (CAELP) – a joint initiative of Universities Australia (UA) and the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE).

“This is an excellent example of meaningful cooperation between our countries in education,” Senator Evans said.

“The Leadership Program offers participants valuable insights into each country’s cultures of teaching, learning and research.”

“The funding will allow the program to continue as a foundation for academic and research collaboration and ongoing staff and student exchanges, providing benefit to both nation’s education and research sectors.”

Senator Evans said the highly successful exchange program has given more than 100 university leaders the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of leading practice in each other’s higher education system.

One of the alumni of the program is the Chinese Vice Minister for Education, Hao Ping.

Earlier this year UA and CEAIE agreed to a program for 2011 for eight Australian and 16 Chinese universities.

The Government funding will support the doubling of the number of participating Australian universities to 16 for 2011 and 2013, and will help to enrich the experience for Chinese participants.

This program is a flagship initiative of the longstanding relationship between the organisations, helping to build strong person-to-person links with our Chinese counterparts,” Senator Evans said.



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