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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04




“这对我们目前的把财务报告和帐目印刷出来,以及生产这些文件的行业构成真正挑战。” 她补充说,“今天会计师的职责很大程度上是关注财务报告数字和对财务表现的评价。我相信大家都同意:这仍然是,也将继续是财会工作的根本。不过,我们可以设想未来大部分的财务分析工作将通过外包和技术创新而自动地进行。”



“我相信我们都希望在体现财会行业声誉的职能方面能避免某些未来高科技要素的入侵。财务报告应反映真实和公平的看法,我们做出判断和分析的能力不能被选择打勾等做法取代。我们也不希望看到审计行业对人类智力的挑战被消除,而仅变成一项在后方进行的合规工作。这样,只有在科幻小说中才会出现的梦魇将成真— 出现一支由机器人组成的会计师队伍”。

ACCA global president sets out the future of the profession

ACCA’s (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) global president Gill Ball, has set out how she sees the future of the global profession.

Speaking at ACCA’s prestigious London dinner, Gill Ball said: “Over the next ten years, I believe that there will be fundamental changes in how, and on what, accountants report and in what – and who – an accountant is. How we adapt to these challenges will be crucial in maintaining the reputation of the profession.

In her speech she said: “We already face a generation obsessed by immediacy, text, soundbites and online communication. People want to engage with others in all parts of the world on a 24/7 basis. At the same time, progress towards the adoption of, and convergence with, international accounting standards continues apace, with the US closer than ever before to taking IFRS on board. Assuming we get to a point where all entities use one, common reporting framework, how will we deliver financial information which suits the real time media age globally?”

She added: “This will pose a real challenge to our current concept of printed report and accounts, and the industry which goes into producing these well-presented documents. Today the focus of the accountant’s role is still largely on reporting and commenting on the numbers and financial performance. I suspect we would all agree that this remains – and will remain – fundamental to the accountancy work. However, we may be able to conceive of a future in which much of the financial analysis is automated, or generated by outsourced teams, supported by enhanced technology.

“We are already seeing an increased emphasis on non-financial reporting. And I suspect this is just the start of a long-term trend where the skills and training of accountants can be positioned to provide this added value. In reporting on broader business performance, tomorrow’s finance professions will need to look at impact on society and environment and ethical dimensions and in doing this provide a broader commentary and tangible analysis and data on business performance and prospects.

“As this wider reporting becomes ever more important, one of the initiatives of which ACCA can be most proud is its leadership in the promotion of sustainability reporting – both in the UK and across the world. ACCA really has been a pioneer here, with a track record of spearheading thinking in this field for nearly two decades now.”

In looking at tomorrow’s accountant, Ball comments: “ACCA’s own research suggests that finance professionals will continue to become more strategic, require greater specialist skills to reflect complex legislation and will move away from generalist roles. While we need to retain our traditional model of the professional accountant, we also need to ensure our training is relevant to the new generation of financially astute entrepreneurs with whom we shall work and support in the future. Looking ahead, it is also inevitable that people will continue to become even more internationally mobile. As a result, we will need to ensure that global standards in accountancy continue to underpin our profession. But to add value, these standards need to focus on principles, not rules.

“There are elements of a high tech future which I am sure we should all wish to avoid: that is seeing our reputation for reporting on a true and fair view and our ability to use judgement and synthesis replaced by a tick-box approach. We do not want to see an audit profession where the intellectual challenge is removed, making it an exercise in mere back-room compliance. Otherwise we risk realising what must be a science fiction nightmare – an army of robot accountants.”


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