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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2016-10-19

国内的方言大家或多或少都接触过,那英国人有方言吗?有没有方言不知道,但他们日常生活中的语言是俚语。俚语的种类非常多,其中最有名也是最受留学生模仿学习的就是伦敦押韵俚语(Cockney Rhyming Slang)。这种俚语因发源于伦敦东区(cockney)而得名, Cockney (or cockney) 这个词的意思就是“伦敦佬”。传统的押韵俚语并不容易被模仿和学习的原因是是由于有时候每个俚语的第二个词会被省略,或者使用与一个单词韵律相同的片语来代替这个单词。




Ropey=Not very good 形容词,表示不太好,既可以形容你的心情,感觉,也可以用于描述物体。

I feel a bit ropey today. 我今天感觉不太舒服。

Your tyres look a bit ropy, don't they? 你的轮胎貌似状况不太好?

Your spelling's a bit ropey. 你的拼写有点难看。

Gutted=Extreme disappointment 形容心情很沮丧,很难过

If my cat ran away, I'd be positively gutted. 如果我的猫离开我我一定会很难过。

His girlfriend broke up with him. He’s absolutely gutted.他的女朋友和他分手了,他肯定很难过

Cotch=To hang/chill on your ownor with other people 既是动词也可以做形容词某些情况下还是名词,多用于朋友之间表示一起出去放松玩乐一下。

Blud= "Blud" comes from bredrin (brother) or blood brother,but now it doesn't havent to mean a literal brother more like a friend.名词,相当于朋友,伙伴,常常和上面介绍的cotch一起出现在朋友的日常对话中

How you doing, blud. 最近过的怎么样,兄弟

Come we go cotch.让我们去放松一下


Wanna come and cotch at my house tonight blud.大家今晚来我家玩吧

Scrummy=A combination of "scrumptious" and "yummy", used to convey that deep, satisfied pleasure that comes after you finish something (atelevision show, a good meal, etc). 表示很满足,很开心,可以用于食物也可以对某件事某个表演。

The guy who just walked in is so scrummy hot.刚才走进来的那个人简直帅呆了。

After she finished watching the television episode, Anna leaned back contentedly and said, "That was scrummy."安娜看完电视剧后,怡然自得的说:“简直太享受了”

The apple pie was absolutely scrummy, I had threepieces.这个苹果派太好吃了,我都吃了三个了。

Knackered= Exhausted, tired or sleepy 形容词,表示很疲惫

I'm feeling a bit knackered today.我今天好累。

I am absolutely knackered after working all day.工作一天之后我都累坏了。

Skive=To be absent from work or school during the hours that you should normally be there发现小伙伴想翘课或者不去上班,可以用这个词

Rebecca isn't here because she has skived off for a lunch time date.丽贝卡不在这因为她趁着午饭时间溜走了。

My best excuse for skiving is I'm sick.我最好的翘课理由就是生病了

Take the piss=To rile, mock, or be a jerk to another person whether or not the person is joking or being serious.表示吐槽别人,或者开玩笑

The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.那群家伙昨晚又在电视上吐槽政府了。

He's taking the piss out of you.他在吐槽你呢

Drop a clanger=To make an obvious mistake,To say something innocent in an unfortunate context 当众失言,说出令人尴尬的话

I dropped a clanger by asking John how his dog was when it's been dead three months.我失言询问他家狗的情况,却不知道他的狗3个月前死了。




上一篇:中考后去英国留学的优势,你知道多少? 下一篇:英国老师收什么礼?与你想的不一样