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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2016-08-17

【查字典新闻网 - 美国留学奖学金】2016耶鲁大学神学院硕士奖学金

耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称耶鲁,是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的顶尖私立研究型大学,最初由康涅狄格州公理会教友于1701年创立,1716年迁至康涅狄格州的纽黑文。被公认为全美乃至世界最好的私立大学之一;是美国东北部老牌名校“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的八大成员之一;是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的一所大学;也是美国最具影响力的顶尖私立大学之一;还是美国建立的第三所大学。它与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院和研究生院前三名的位置。


耶鲁大学神学院的学生资助办事处的目标是,协助学生在其学位课程管理并且满足他们的学费和生活开支。虽然有几个择优奖学金项目,大部分奖学金授予是根据需求,并且超过 90%的学生接受某种形式的奖学金援助。


财政援助奖通常包括耶鲁大学神学院奖学金 (来自捐赠基金),提供的联邦William D. Ford直接议价斯塔福德贷款,并且有大学学生工作的收入。请注意,从2012 年 7 月 1 日,斯塔福德贷款补贴项目已取消了研究生。

新入学学生的财政援助申请截止日期为 3 月 1 日,老生为4 月 1 日。神学院的学生奖学金颁发,承诺会增加种族多样性和国际人口。



每年耶鲁大学神学院招生委员会选定三个杰出的神学硕士和三个宗教硕士申请人作为马昆德学者。标准用于选择包括杰出学术成就和领导能力。所有马昆德学者获得全额学费和 5000 美元的生活津贴。马昆德奖学金每年更新。

William Sloane Coffin 奖学金——纪念Coffin在 20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代的17 年来作为大学牧师——授予新入学神学硕士申请人,展现了Coffin预言的领导力,他对社会正义的热情,以及对社会和政治批判的神学解释。根据录取委员会的推荐进行甄选。这包括全额学费加上$5000生活津贴的奖学金,每年更新。

St. Luke奖学金是则有奖学金,为圣公会神学硕士拥有杰出学术和领导能力的学生提供。奖学金提供全额学费和 5000 美元的生活津贴,并且每年更新一次。


【查字典新闻网 - 美国留学奖学金】2016耶鲁大学神学院硕士奖学金

The goal of the financial aid office at Yale pinity School is to assist students enrolled in its degree programs to manage and meet their institutional and living expenses. While there are several merit-based scholarship programs, most financial aid is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need, and over 90% of our students receive some form of scholarship assistance.

Need-based scholarships

The financial aid award normally consists of a YDS scholarship (from endowed funds), the offer of a federal William D. Ford Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, and earnings from a student job at the University. Please be aware that effective July 1, 2012, the Subsidized Stafford Loan program has been eliminated for graduate students.

The application deadline for financial aid is March 1 for entering students and April 1 for continuing students. The pinity School awards scholarships with a commitment toward increasing racial persity and international populations.

Merit Scholarships

Yale pinity School awards a number of merit scholarships each year. There is no separate application or recommendation required.

Each year the YDS Admissions Committee designates three outstanding M.p. and three M.A.R. applicants as Marquand Scholars. Criteria used in making these selections include exceptional academic achievement and demonstrated leadership ability. All Marquand Scholars receive full tuition and a $5,000 living allowance. Marquand Scholarships are renewed annually.

The William Sloane Coffin Scholarship—honoring Coffin’s 17 years as University chaplain in the 1960s and 70s—is awarded to the incoming M.p. applicant who demonstrates some of the attributes of Coffin’s prophetic leadership, his passion for social justice, and his critical theological interpretation of the social and political scene. The selection is made based on recommendations of the Admissions Committee. This is a full-tuition scholarship with a $5,000 living allowance that is renewable each year.

The St. Luke’s Scholarship is a merit scholarship for an entering Episcopal M.p. student with exceptional academics and demonstrated leadership ability. The scholarship provides full tuition and a $5,000 living allowance and is renewed annually.


上一篇:美国留学奖学金申请步骤的详细介绍 下一篇:美国本科留学奖学金的分类、申请要求及申请...