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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-10-11


Washington University in St. Louis

Department of Biology

The Department of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis seeks a junior-level neuroscientist for a tenure-track position. The successful candidate will establish a vigorous research program, and participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The candidate will also be expected to publish research manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, advise undergraduate and graduate students, and participate in departmental governance and university service. Candidates with expertise in neuroethology, or developmental, computational, or cellular neuroscience will be viewed with particular interest. The successful candidate will have opportunities to participate in University-wide programs in Neuroscience. For further information, see the Department of Biology ( and the Neuroscience Program ( Review of applications will begin November 1, 2015. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit as a single PDF attachment with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, brief statements of research and teaching interests, reprints of up to three recent publications, and the names and affiliations of three investigators who have been asked to send letters of recommendation. A Ph.D. in Neuroscience or a closely related field is required at the time of appointment.


圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)建于1853年2月22日,是美国最负盛名圣路易斯华盛顿大学的私立大学之一。在美国新闻周刊(US NEWS)2009年和2010年美国大学综合排名榜上高居12位,与康奈尔大学并列,超过布朗大学等部分常春藤名校。其入学竞争激烈程度和哥伦比亚大学并列排名第5,录取率仅为19%。



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