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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-10-09


Virology Faculty member (open rank)

The Virginia-Maryland Regional College and the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Maryland-College Park, MD, invites applications from the qualified inpiduals for a tenured/tenure-track faculty position in infectious diseases. This 9-month appointment will be at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level, depending on the qualifications of the selected candidate. The Department has an excellent state-of-the art core facility, which also includes BSL-2 and BSL-3 suites.


Current focus is on host-pathogen interaction with emphases on virology, bacteriology, parasitology, immunology, microbial pathogenesis, and public health. The position requires the candidate to focus on important zoonosis involving human and animal health. The candidate with an outstanding influenza or avian influenza research background in viral transmission, pathogenesis, immunity, viral-host interactions, and vaccine development are especially encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will be expected to develop, maintain, and conduct a productive, extramurally-funded research program that will strengthen the current research goals of the department and the college. Applicants at the Assistant Professor level are expected to have a strong publication record. Candidates applying at the Associate or Full Professor level must have an established research program with a record of or active extramural funding. The selected candidate will also be expected to develop and maintain active and productive collaborations, both within and outside the College. Excellent opportunities exist for collaboration with federal agencies (USDA, FDA, NIH) and other University departments.


Active participation in the University's Graduate Program will be required, to include mentoring of graduate students and serving on student advisory committees. The selected candidate will be responsible for the development of one graduate course to be included in the current veterinary medicine curriculum. This new course will be developed in conjunction with active participation on the college's current teaching objectives and mission goals. Salary will be commensurate with rank and experience.


马里兰大学帕克分校,是um系统的旗舰创始学校,成立于1862年。um—college park 也是全美大学联盟(the association of American University)—简称aau,的61个盟校之一;与美国的其它名校,如uc-berkley、ucla、michigan—ann arbor或伊利诺大学—香槟分校都有合作教学的计划。地理位置优越,环境优良,在学术声望上也有全美前50的排名。



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