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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-09-28



Shakespeare in China

For many, Shakespeare’s counterpart in China is TangXianzu in the arena of theatre, but since I study Chinese philosophy on my own (that’s also why I found sympathy in Shakespeare: he also studied theatre on his own when he was a horse keeper in London) I somehow found some similarities between him and Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu——the Taoists, who actually have had a long and profound effect on Chinese people .

And we can find almost the same life philosophy in Shakespeare play, for instance, in the play of “as you like it”,heroes and heroines were banished from the court and fled into the Forest of Arden. And they were so moved by the pastoral lifestyle of the Shepherds, who are regarded as the emblem of reclusive and unworldly wisdom.

And Chinese men of letters knew this full well when we turn to Tao Yuanming, who uttered, “While picking asters ‘ neaththe Eastern fence, my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests.” Shakespeare revealed to us the very essence of life——to focus more on our spiritual realmIn a nutshell, in Shakespeare play we do find western culture go hand in hand with eastern spirit approaching infinitely the very ends of being.


到底金祎老师(Sylvia)是何方神圣呢? 她可是许多新概念学员眼中的女神哇!



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