
当前位置:查字典资讯网 > 留学 > 美国留学面试官常问问题TOP10


来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-09-22



1. I plan to organize a club related to Chinese Culture, is it difficult for a student to open a club in your school?

2. I have heard that there are many holidays in universities. Will many students stay on-campus during holidays?

3. Could you tell me something about the program you are studying in this school?

4. According to you, what is the best part in your school?

5. Will I have any graduate assistants teaching my classes?

6. Will I have an academic advisor? How can I select major?

7. What are the current housing options?

8. Are there any academic support services available?

9. What was the most impressive thing to you during your campus life?

10. In terms of finding a job after graduation, what could your college offer for students?


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