
当前位置:查字典资讯网 > 人才 > 给面试官跪了奇葩的面试问题


来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-09-14

In order to scout out the top talent, businesses are now throwing curveball questions during the interview process. Asking about seemingly unrelated topics can help give a company a wider snapshot into the person and their life.


And how candidates answer these questions can provide the interviewer with a bit of insight into how their mind works.


Business brains, recruiters and top career experts from around the country have put together the most bizarre questions that have been asked in real interviews - and how to handle them if one is thrown your way.


1. How many traffic lights are there in London?


This is essentially a brainteaser to test how you would think through tough questions, said James Reed, author of Why You? 101 Interview Questions You’ll Never Fear Again.


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