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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-09-01

很多人问STUDY PLAN怎么写的,这里主要是针对读语言学校的同学,给大家提供个大概思路,希望对大家有点帮助。


Study plan

My major is international trade, during the four years in XXX University; I have studied a lot of knowledge about my major. For example I have studied International Marketing, Business Communication, International Trade Practice, and Data Base Systems. And I like International Marketing best. I think English is very important for Marketing, because the terminology and international negotiations are mainly in English. I hope I can have the chance to go abroad to improve my English skill and at the same time improve my professional knowledge. Compared with other countries, America people pay more attention to practice. So America is my best choice.

例如 International Marketing, Business Communication, International Trade Practice, Data Base Systems. 这些学科中我最喜欢的是International Marketing,我觉得这个学科除了专业知识外更重要的是英语能力,因为全球的专业术语和国际谈判都是以英语为主,所以我想出国提高我的英语能力同时扩充我的专业知识,美国相对于其他国家来说,它更注重实践,说以我选择去美国。

首先我会在XXX 学习3个月的语言,因为我认为只有打下良好的语言基础才能更好的学习专业知识。语言学校的时间安排是 SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 to December 11, 2009.

Firstly, I will have Intensive English program at The University of XXX for three months. I think I will have a better understanding of the professional knowledge after the language study. The time for my language is form SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 to December 11, 2009.

读完语言学校,在 January 7,2010我会在Graduate school 学习。 我将会选择MARKETING专业,并且在这两年里认真学习专业知识,因为这个学科和我在国内学的专业很接近所以我有良好的基础,顺利的话我将会在December16, 2011 毕业。这两年的学费会由我父母为我支付。

After the language study, I will study at The University of XXX Graduate School from January 7, 2010. I will choice marketing as my major. Because I have studied the knowledge of Marketing during the four studies in XXX University, it is not hard for me. If things go well I will graduate at the December16, 2011.


After my graduation, my mother will help me find a job in China. Her job is about international trade. She accumulated customer resources and social relationships, and for me these are very valuable. And I will improve my professional knowledge and English during the two years study in America. All these will help me a lot in my career in the future. In on word, my study in U.S will bring me much more than what I will invest.


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