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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-08-05

Seniors' college applications have been sent out. For younger students, January marks a new opportunity to get prepared for college! It sounds obvious but it's worth repeating: By the time your child becomes a senior, he or she cannot undo or redo the past. His or her grades and activities over the past three years are what they are.


But for parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors out there: Take note. Seize this opportunity to help your child select the right classes for next academic year by working with the school counselor and talking to teachers. Encourage your child to challenge himself with a rigorous curriculum, and to work hard to receive good grades in those classes. Perhaps your student can join a club she knows nothing about, just to see what it's like. If she's not into it, then it's okay for her to drop it after a semester or two, and try other things. Or she should found a new club if her high school doesn't offer one that she likes. Some of these activities could turn into a college major, lifelong passion or career.


Introduce yourself to your child's school counselor. The counselor is a terrific resource about college admissions and financial aid. Ask about college visits, classes to take, summer activities, and standardized tests.


Visit colleges' websites. Talk to parents who have a child in college to find out what they wish they had known when their child was a freshman, sophomore, or junior.


The new year is here. Make the most of it.



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