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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-07-31


University of British Columbia

Faculty of Forestry

Lecturer in Geomatics for Environmental Management

We invite applications for a 12-month Lecturer position (one year term appointment) to be involved in the teaching, coordination, and development of graduate courses in the new course-based Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management (MGEM).

The lecturer will coordinate and lead instruction in a number of core courses in the program including (i) Geospatial data analysis, (ii) Advanced Geographic Information Systems for Environmental Management and a (iii) Project Proposal Development and Proof of Concept course. In addition the lecturer will coordinate a seminar series and help develop and teach other courses as necessary. The lecturer will work with the Program Director and MGEM instructor group on the development, marketing and continual improvement of the program. We expect 25 - 30 students per year in this program and this will be an international student group that includes recent graduates, early and mid-career professionals.

Teaching will include classroom-based lectures, seminars and project work. The lecturer will also assist in mentoring and advising inpidual students. The lecturer will assist the Program Director in reviewing applicant files, interviewing applicants, guiding admitted students in choosing elective courses, and monitoring student progress. The lecturer will assist the Program Director and student services team in recruitment and promotional activities for the program. The lecturer must have a Masters or PhD in an appropriate field. Two or more years of relevant instructional experience with adult and / or international learners is highly desirable. The lecturer must have experience in curriculum development, teaching and mentoring students, and have demonstrated excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. The lecturer must have professional experience with geomatics software (such as ESRI products, open source geospatial data and image processing software) and tools as well as experience applying geomatics to landscape ecology, environmental management or conservation issues. Experience with "big data", geowikis, citizen science, and/or ArcPy programming are considered highly desirable.

The appointment will start on October 1, 2015, although an alternate start date can be negotiated. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. This position is initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal for subsequent years. All appointments are subject to budgetary approval.


英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC,又名"卑诗大学")于1908年创校,主要有两个校区,温哥华校区(总校区)和奥克纳根校区。UBC是不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学,与多伦多大学,麦吉尔大学和皇后大学组成加拿大的常春藤联盟,在经历了百余年的长足发展后,逐渐成为蜚声全球的综合性大学,在加拿大国内的排名中始终保持前三名之列,世界排名保持在35名以内。UBC被誉为西海岸的明珠,尤以科学研究和研究生教育见长,是世界一流的研究型大学。除了多样化的学生、全球性的远瞻眼光及杰出的研究成果外,UBC的温哥华校园还被誉为全北美最漂亮的校园。


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