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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-07-29


Integrative Biologist - Assistant Professor (tenure track)

The Department of Biology at the University of South Dakota is recruiting an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in integrative biology to begin August 2016. We seek candidates who use modern molecular techniques to address questions that integrate organismal function with environmental and/or developmental influences. The successful candidate’s research will complement that of existing faculty, enabling fruitful collaboration and mentoring of graduate students. Opportunities for collaboration and research support include faculty with research interests that scale from molecules to landscapes, a departmental DNA sequencing facility, proteomic, genomic and microscopy core facilities on campus. Teaching may include courses in the candidate’s area of expertise, cell and molecular biology, physiology, and possible participation in team-taught introductory biology courses.

The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to establish a productive and extramurally funded research program and actively train M.S. and Ph.D. students. A Ph.D. is required and postdoctoral experience is preferred.

Review of applications will begin September 8, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled.


南达科他大学(佛米良)是美国南方达科塔州的一所历史悠久的公立大学,它成立于1862年,由老校区和艾伦·纽哈斯(Al Neuharth)媒体中心组成。南达科他大学(佛米良)设有文理学院、彼康商学院、教育学院、美术学院、卫生科学院、法学院和桑福德医学院。它设有本科、硕士和博士专业,如人类学、生物学、化学、计算机科学、当代媒体和新闻学、犯罪审判学、地球科学、经济学、英语、历史、国际学、语言学、数学、哲学、政治学、心理学、社会学、音乐、喜剧、管理学、营销学、医学、教育学、卫生科学、酒精和药品研究、口腔卫生学、护理学、社会工作学等,热门专业有医学、法学和美术学专业。南达科他大学(佛米良)在超过15年的时间里都被列入美国头等博士研究院,并且它的医学、法学和美术学院也被AACSB商学院在国际上被广泛地认可。


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