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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-07-29


The Department of Microbiology Immunology within the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University is at the forefront of research in Infection and Immunity. This recruitment will complement a comprehensive, vibrant and interactive group that currently includes 21 primary faculty members and more than 40 associate members in other departments occupying facilities that comprise over 40,000 sq ft at the Lyman Duff Building and adjacent buildings.

This recruitment initiative will complement and strengthen the ongoing activities and mission of the Department and the Microbiome and Disease Tolerance Centre (MDTC) at McGill University.

We invite applications from highly qualified inpiduals (PhD, MD, or equivalent degrees and at least three years of postdoctoral research training) to fill a tenure track position within the Department of Microbiology Immunology, Faculty of Medicine at McGill.

The selected candidate will have a primary research focus in Virology and embark in an exciting academic career by developing a cutting edge, health research program while contributing to the departmental mission of teaching and service. General research areas of particular interest are Molecular Virology, Viral Pathogenesis, Host-Virus interactions, Antiviral and Virus-based therapeutics and Virome studies. Applicants with expertise in novel approaches and methodologies are strongly encouraged to apply.


麦吉尔大学(McGill University),简称麦大,坐落在加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市中心,于1821年遵循James McGill先生的遗嘱所建,百年来一直在国际上极富盛誉,历史上与哈佛齐名,是一所蜚声全球的世界顶尖研究型大学。麦吉尔大学吸引了全加、美国、还有世界各地最优秀的学生,其新生入学平均分位居全加第一,是全加拿大最难申请的大学。麦吉尔大学有着辉煌历史和非凡成就,长期以来,在欧美声誉崇高,极受推崇和青睐。她的教学及研究水准被认为可媲美美国八大常春藤盟校,其研究水平享誉世界,被称为“北方哈佛”。

麦吉尔大学(McGill University)位于魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,是一所世界著名公立大学,学校有190余年历史,最初为麦吉尔先生赞助所建,麦吉尔大学设有农业与环境、艺术人文、教育、工程、管理、音乐、神学及科学八个院系以及世界级研究水准的医学院和法学院,提供300多个专业的课及副修专业的课程教学。麦吉尔大学McGill University(以下简称McGill)始建于1821年,经历了百余年的长足发展后,已经发展成为蜚声全球的一流综合性大学,被誉为“加拿大哈佛”。在世界各报刊以及研究机构的排行榜中,麦吉尔大学多次名列加拿大第一,世界大学排名前二十。


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