
当前位置:查字典资讯网 > 留学 > MBA专业毕业生进军中国市场需注意的4点要素


来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04

It's no mystery that a lot of the reasons MBA-ers have for "going East" is that Asia is burgeoning and China is a market that businesses and inpiduals have been eyeing for many years now. However, just as lots of Western brands have taken the plunge and entered the China unsuccessfully, as MBAs it's important to handle the China question with several things: humility, a plan, and the determination to use your skills where they're needed for what people and companies are actually wanting and seeking.


In other words, don't dictate what that market wants, but become, whether through your skill set or through your work, attractive in the Chinese market. I'm going to lay out 5 Simple Rules I like to call the "5 Es" to follow when it comes to carving out your niche, whether it's a career in China, or your post MBA career involving China.


Embrace persity


During orientation, I remember that some of our professors talked to us about how over 30 countries were represented in our MBA class. The China contingent was the most well-represented, but I learned so much from all my classmates as well as the ones from Chinese mainland, and am so glad that part of doing the MBA program was the level of persity I encountered.


Making many new friends and connections is definitely a great foundation for your post-MBA career. This means, as much as the temptation will be to hang out with those who are the most similar to you, try and immerse yourself in new environments and local culture. Don't always hang with expats.


Experience Local culture, Venture outside of your Comfort Zone, Go out and Travel


It might be tempting to stay on campus or even venture to new haunts with your newfound friends. A bit of that is fine, but while doing your MBA, now is the time to take risks, to travel, especially since Hong Kong is ideally situated for short-haul flights to other parts of Asia including jaunts to the Mainland.


Make friends and connections beyond campus, in Hong Kong if that's where you want to develop the next part of your career. Do the same if you go on exchange, or travel to China or other places. Even if you don't end up staying in Asia, it's still good to spread your wings a bit here as you might end up working at a company that is seeking to develop its China presence.


Explore, Engage, and keep your eyes open for interesting industries and opportunities


As we learned in many of our case studies of Western brands entering China, just because a market of over a billion people exist doesn't mean that they will all automatically become customers. A bad idea will prove a flop wherever you are in the world just as a good idea will transcend geographical borders.


As mentioned above, the MBA is a time of exploration and risk-taking, so this is time to make your mistakes and to learn even if it's at the risk of sounding silly in front of your peers in the classroom. Perhaps you've identified a new career path that really excites you? Or maybe you have an amazing idea for a new business you'd like to start? In any case, go for it!


Evolve and Keep Up


The world is changing fast so you need to evolve. Yes, learning Chinese is a good thing, but that alone will not guarantee you a place in China or the international marketplace, as there are many natives who are bilingual as well as students who take Chinese as a second language.


Evolving means staying current with the latest business trends, newest technologies or at least how to use them, as well as keeping up with your area of expertise. If you fail to evolve you will lose your relevancy within the business world, as well as your competitive edge, so make sure to keep yourself ahead of the curve.









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