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亚洲SAT考试作弊 学生分数被取消

来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04

For the third straight month, some SAT scores in Asia are being withheld because of allegations of widespread cheating, this time on the December administration of the college entrance exam.


The same thing happened in November, and in October, and in September. After each administration in those three months, scores on the college admissions test were withheld while cheating allegations were investigated; then some scores were released, and others were invalidated. Some students missed early-decision college application deadlines as a result.


How many? The College Board, which owns the SAT, and the Educational Testing Service, which administers the SAT for the College Board, said:

那么有多少学生作弊?SAT考试的主办方College Board和执行SAT考试的ETS说:

a) They could not share specifics about how many students had their scores withheld.

a ) 他们不会吧分数被保留的学生信息泄露出来。

b) They could not say how many have been invalidated this fall because of confirmed cheating.

b) 他们不会把因为作弊分数无效的学生数量公布出来。

c) They could not discuss how they were attempting to stop students in Asia from cheating.

c) 他们不会透露是采取什么方式治理作弊的事件的。

Other questions they have not answered since October include how they confirm cheating; why they don’t inform colleges and universities that a student cheated on the SAT when it has been confirmed; and why they continue to administer in Asia tests that have already been given in the United States, giving scammers opportunities to cheat in several ways.


Here’s the latest e-mail from Tom Ewing, director of external affairs at the Educational Testing Service:

以下是ETS外事部的部长Tom Ewing最近在一封电子邮件里写的:

We have now released the majority of the scores that were held for review following the November international administration. ETS has informed these students that their scores are available online through their My SAT Organizer.

我们最近已经把保留下来调查大部分分数公布了。ETS已经通知这些学生可以再My SAT Organzier上查到自己的分数了。

Earlier this month, we received reports of test security violations during the December international administration of the SAT. The release of December SAT scores for some students is delayed while we conduct an administrative review.


We appreciate that score delays are frustrating to students and institutions. Our responsibility is to deliver valid scores, even when doing so takes extra time. This is consistent with the feedback we continue to receive from our member colleges and universities.


Cheating on the SAT in Asia is not new. Back in 2007, the January scores of 900 South Korean students were canceled because, it was discovered, they had access to the questions before they sat down for the exam, which turned out to be identical to the SAT administered in December 2005,according to the nonprofit National Center for Fair and Open Testing, known as FairTest.

亚洲的SAT考试出现作弊已经不是第一次了,早在2007年,在一月份的考试中有900名学生的分数就被取消了,因为他们发现在考试前这些学生就知道了试题。据一个非营利性组织National Center for Fair and Open Testing称,考试的试题和2005年12月在美国考过的试题是一样的。

In 2013, the some scores were canceled in South Korea for the May and October administrations of the exam because of allegations that questions from earlier tests were obtained by “cram schools” and given to students before they took the exam.

在2013年,在韩国五月和十月的考试中分数同样被取消了,因为”cram Schools”提前拿到了答案并在考试前卖给了学生。




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