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留学资讯 福布斯中国名人榜范冰冰登榜首

来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04

4月24日,福布斯发布了2013年中国名人榜,范冰冰登榜首,周杰伦居第二,刘德华居第三。获得诺贝尔文学奖的莫言,首次上榜即名列第16位。孙俪凭借《甄嬛传》成为排名上升幅度最大的明星,从去年的96名上升至第22名。 福布斯名人榜用收入和曝光率两大指标来衡量名人的商业价值,收入直观地体现了明星的商业价值以及过去一年的工作情况,同时也能体现出各领域的变化趋势。 FORBES CHINA recently released its list of China’s most luminous celebrities. They’re talented, beautiful and raking in the endorsements。《福布斯》中文版最近公布了中国最引人注目的名人榜。他们有才华外形好,获得的代言机会也很多。 FORBES CHINA’s annual celebrity list is based on income and appearances in magazines, newspapers, TV shows and online. Stars from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong are included. And the winners are:《福布斯》年度中国名人榜主要基于收入以及在杂志、报纸、电视节目和网络上的曝光率。中国内地和港台的明星都包含在内。


1. Fan Bingbing范冰冰 The stunning actress has become a magnet for fashion brands looking for star power in a mainland luxury goods market that is poised to become the world’s largest. One client she’s embraced: LV. Can the Fan juggernaut go global? 中国内地俨然有望成为全球最大的奢侈品市场,而对于时尚品牌来说,这个惊艳的女演员在明星影响力方面非常具有吸引力,她代言了LV。范冰冰的强大魅力能否迷倒全球的粉丝?

2. Jay Chou周杰伦 Taiwan singer, actor and director unveiled his 12th studio album, Opus 12, last December (another “12″). New flick in the works: The Rooftop, being filmed in Taiwan and the mainland, which he stars in and also directs。 这位台湾歌手、演员兼导演,在2012年12月推出了他的第12张专辑《十二新作》,而他的新电影作品《天台》即将上映,该电影在台湾和大陆都有拍摄,周杰伦在该片中自导自演。

3. Andy Lau刘德华 Now in his 50s, the evergreen Hong Kong star of song and film stayed popular last year with the movie Blind Detective. Lau’s sixth film with Hong Kong actress Sammi Cheng is in the works。 尽管现在已经50多岁,但香港演艺圈“常青树”刘德华在音乐和电影领域仍然十分受欢迎,去年参与了电影版《盲侠金鱼飞天猪》的拍摄。这是他与香港艺人郑秀文合作的第六部电影。

4. Jackie Chan成龙 Hong Kong movie industry icon last year released what may be his last action film CZ12, or Chinese Zodiac, which he wrote and directed。 作为香港电影业的偶像,成龙去年发布了自导自演的电影《十二生肖》,这也可能会成为他的最后一部动作片电影。

5. Zhang Ziyi章子怡 Popular actress had hit romantic comedy last year with My Lucky Star, which she also produced. Appears in this year’s star-laden The Grandmaster kung fu movie, directed by Hong Kong’s Wong Kar-Wai and also starring Tony Leung。 知名女演员章子怡去年拍摄了爱情喜剧《非常幸运》,她也参与了该电影的制作。今年她又出演了王家卫导演的功夫电影《一代宗师》,并与梁朝伟合作。

6. Eason Chan陈奕迅 Hong Kong singer and actor Eason Chan ranks high up again this year on the strength of his voice: His “Duo” concerts last year were big hits on the mainland。 香港歌手兼演员陈奕迅今年凭借自己的唱功排名迅速上升:他去年的演唱会“Duo” 同样在内地取得巨大成功。

7. Yang Mi杨幂 Actress was named most popular female singer in Chinese mainland last year in a joint CCTV-MTV event. Last year’s flicks included Love in the Buff, Beijing Love Story and Wu Dang. Has endorsement deals with Pepsi and cosmetics brand Wetcode。 杨幂去年在CCTV-MTV 音乐盛典中获得了内地最受欢迎女歌手的奖项。她去年的作品还包括《春娇与志明》《北京爱情故事》《大武当》等。她也是百事和化妆品牌水密码的代言人。

8. Huang Xiaoming黄晓明 Actor turned up in several successful films last year, including Love in the Buff, An Inaccurate Memoir and White-Haired WITCh. Promotes Baleno, Tissot, Olay。 黄晓明去年参与了许多热映的电影,包括客串《春娇与志明》、主演《匹夫》、《白发魔女传》等。他还为班尼路、天梭、玉兰油等品牌代言。

9. Jolin Tsai蔡依林 Taiwanese singer, a list returnee, released a new album, Muse, last year, backed up with a successful mainland concert tour. Has endorsement detail with Pepsi。这个海归台湾歌手去年发表了新专辑《Muse》,并在内陆举办了巡回演出。她也是百事的代言人。

10. Lin Chi-ling林志玲 Taiwan TV hostess, model and actress. Most recent success: romantic comedy Say Yes, which took in more than $30 million in China。 台湾电视主持、模特、演员。最近的成就为电影《101次求婚》,这部爱情电影在中国获得了三千万的票房。


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