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留学资讯 警方介入明星跳水节目调查“溺死事件”

来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04

TV show condemned for disregarding human life The Zhejiang Satellite TV's show "Celebrity Splash China" has been condemned by the public for disregarding human life after a teenage team assistant drowned during a training session for the show on April 19, reported。 The tragic accident According to an article in Life newspaper carried byXinhua News Agency, the victim was an 18-year-old assistant -- surnamed Peng --to the Shi Xiaolong Martial Arts Troupe. Shi Xiaolong is a renowned martialartist and actor in China。 Peng was with Shi's team at the General Administration of Sports of China ping center in Beijing in the evening of April 19. "He might have gone for a swim alone in the pool while everybody was focusing on star Shi's training. It was too late when lifeguards realized [what had happened] and swam over to rescue him," said one employee at the ping center。 Mr. Li, an employee with the Beijing 120 Emergency Center, said that lifeguards had conducted artificial respiration on Peng. "He was found bleeding from nose and mouth when he was carried into the ambulance. That showed there was a large amount of water in his lungs. He already was no longer breathing, had no pulse and showed no other signs of life," Mr. Li said。 All rescue measures failed and Peng was pronounced dead at 1 a.m. on April 20 at Beijing's Tiantan Hospital, Mr. Li said。 In an official microblog post of Zhejiang Satellite TV published on April 20, the "Celebrity Splash China" team released the news about the drowning of Peng。 Wang Zhengyu, supervisor of the TV show's publicity, said that the team had internally conducted some serious self-examination after the accident. "The ping center has also strengthened safety measures by putting more lifeguards on duty and warning signs on the site," Wang said。 Wang said that his production team has reiterated earlier warnings to the participants and their support teams that "no one is allowed to go into the water except the participating stars, coaches and underwater camera operators." Wang didn't comment on whether or not Shi will continue to be on the show, and Shi himself has thus far declined all interviews with the media, according to Life。 "Celebrity Splash China," an adaptation of the Dutch show "Celebrity Splash," is one of the two star ping shows which have dominated China's media attention over the past month. The other one is Jiangsu Satellite TV's licensed take on the German show "Stars in Danger." Peng's death has triggered an online debate regarding the goal of the show. Many people don't agree with its slogan of "Professionalism, encouragement, authenticity," and even question the show's promise to "help promote national fitness campaigns." Some people pointed out that the show's sponsors and producers mainly focus on the participants' swimwear and viewers just enthusiastically follow the stars' fumbling attempts to master their moves while at the same time neglecting the issue of safety。 Anthony Wong, a renowned Hong Kong actor and film director, ridiculed and criticized the show on his microblog by writing, "I suggest those stars jump from a building to see who would be so lucky as to survive. That might get higher ratings." Many people echoed Anthony Wong by saying, "Right! That's what an artist should say." Some questioned why "those people join the show at the risk of their own lives." Some scholars joined in on the discussion as well. "A TV show's high ratings earned through hot debate or even at the cost of human life has no quality at all. Viewers will sneer and swear, hate it, and finally absolutely cast a veto on it," said one scholar。 Some audiences doubted whether producers had done enough to guarantee the safety of the participants. Some people suggested Charlene Choi, a Canadian-born Hong Kong actress, quit the forthcoming show for the sake of her own safety。

4月20日下午,浙江卫视明星跳水节目《中国星跳跃》官方微博发布消息:称4月19日晚在节目组训练基地,释小龙的一名随行人员不幸意外溺水,经过4个多小时努力抢救,仍然没有挽留住他的生命。这起事故把近来饱受争议的跳水娱乐节目推向了风口浪尖。本报曾于4月2日推出报道《明星跳水,是用生命在秀?》,质疑跳水节目的安全性,艺人黄秋生、导演彭浩翔等也于近日在微博中力斥节目不顾艺人生命安全,粉丝们则纷纷劝偶像退赛。这些批评之声不禁让众人再次质疑:跳水节目到底该不该叫停? 最新进展:警方介入调查“溺死事件” 释小龙参加跳水节目《中国星跳跃》。4月19日晚,传出其工作人员不幸溺亡的消息,该名彭姓助理年仅18岁。有知情人描述了该男子溺水现场的情况:释小龙跟他的教练、救生人员正在5米台练习,他的助理在没有告知任何人的情况下,换了泳裤跑去跳3米板,跳下去后就没有动静了,工作人员将他捞上岸后仍有呼吸和心跳,工作人员赶紧帮其做人工呼吸,送到医院后还是不治。 浙江卫视方面表示,正和各方积极处理善后事宜。据悉,目前警方已经就此事介入调查。 各方批评纷至沓来 黄秋生:不如让明星去跳楼 自从两档跳水节目开播以来,质疑声从未停过。不少明星在训练中受伤,甚至因为身体原因中途退赛。不少观众认为就算是做公益,也不应拿生命开玩笑。本报在4月2日推出的报道《明星跳水,是用生命在秀?》中,曾针对娱乐明星跳水安全能否得到保障等问题提出质疑,虽然节目组一再强调会做足各种安全措施,但还是发生了大众最不愿意看到的安全事故。 对此,一向敢言的黄秋生在微博上讽刺跳水节目玩命,“建议叫明星去跳楼,看谁命大,收视更佳”。而他近日在接受媒体采访时再度怒斥如此疯狂、荒谬、玩命的节目应该叫电视台台长亲身试试。他表示,自己曾接到跳水节目的参赛邀请,但助手第一时间帮他婉拒。黄秋生称,“如果每个人训练两个星期就能上跳水台,田亮还用得着训练那么多年?” 导演彭浩翔面对明星跳水这样的节目,也专门撰文表示堪忧,认为将没有这方面运动经验的艺人短期培训就推上跳水台,“是件非常危险和不负责任的事情”。

网友呼吁叫停跳水节目:担心小孩看了会模仿 明星跳水节目在收视率上成绩不俗,但观众叫停节目的声音也纷至沓来。有观众认为,看到那些明星不顾生命安危往下跳,甚至因为“事业心”加码自己的动作系数或者跳台高度,实在为他们捏一把冷汗。也有观众认为,这两档电视节目娱乐效果做得很好,但忽略了自身带来的社会效果,用如此危险的方式做公益是否值得?还有观众担心小孩看了节目后会因为偶像的行为而进行模仿:“要是孩子去游泳的时候,觉得好玩就模仿偶像往下跳怎么办?实在太危险了!”有一种说法指释小龙的助理是因为自身好奇,站上三米跳板跳水,导致不幸溺毙,这也增加了大众对青少年盲目模仿明星跳水的担忧。 回应 跳水冠军高敏:跳水需要专业指导 据悉,对于跳水节目危险性太高,形同“跳楼”的说法,奥运冠军、《星跳水立方》中的教练高敏并不认同,她认为,把跳水直接和“不安全”挂钩是不对的,只是没有专业指导才不安全:“跳水本身技巧性较高,需要有专业的指导和培训,有系统科学的训练体系。” 高敏说,跳水的安全与否不是和高度直接相关的:“有人担心从十米台起跳很危险,其实只要没有高速翻转的动作,选择简单的例如‘冰棍入水’的方式,是不会造成严重伤害的。在十米台完成简单动作的,目前来说全世界还没有任何一例伤亡事故。” 高敏强调,自己在训练前会给每个明星介绍安全保护知识,开始训练前一定要做热身,让明星在运动的时候少受伤。 制片人:严格要求安全第一 《星跳水立方》制片人则表示,节目的第一要义一直是“安全第一”:节目组制定出严格的规定:明星在进行水上训练时,只能有五类人员可以在水池区域,分别是教练、明星选手、节目导演、摄像和安全保障人员。除他们之外,就算明星的个人助理也必须待在看台或者是水池区域的栅栏外。

此外,节目组称将确保每个场馆全天24小时都至少有一名专业医疗人员随时候命,池边必须有至少2名救生员。《星跳水立方》还规定,所有参赛明星在正式接受水上跳台训练之前,都必须首先通过深水资格考试,拿下深水证。 据悉,从本周起,《星跳水立方》的播出时间将从原来的周日22时提前至周五22时。


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