
当前位置:查字典资讯网 > 留学 > 中国教育部公布2011年批准澳洲大学院校名单


来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04



1.Adelaide University

2.Australian Catholic University

3.Bond University

4.Central Queensland University

5.Charles Darwin University

6.Charles Sturt University

7.Curtin University of Technology

8.Deakin University

9.Edith Cowan University

10.Flinders University

11.Griffith University

12.James Cook University

13.La Trobe University

14.Macquarie University

15.Monash University

16.Murdoch University

17.Queensland University of Technology

18.RMIT University

19.Southern Cross University

20.Swinburne University of Technology

21.The Australian National University

22.The University of Melbourne

23.The University of New England

24.The University of New South Wales

25.The University of Newcastle

26.The University of Notre Dame Australia

27.The University of Queensland

28.The University of Sydney

29.The University of Western Australia

30.University of Ballarat

31.University of Canberra

32.University of South Australia

33.University of Southern Queensland

34.University of Tasmania

35.University of Technology Sydney

36.University of the Sunshine Coast

37.University of Western Sydney

38.University of Wollongong

39.Victoria University

40.National Institute of Dramatic Arts

41.Top Education Institute

42.The College of Law



上一篇:留学生刺母,捅伤的不只是一位母亲 下一篇:温哥华现排队购房潮 中国留学生成购房新宠