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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04

Chris Evans参议员





澳大利亚高等教育部长Chris Evans参议员对今日公布的【留澳国际学生全国调查】报告予以欢迎。报告显示绝大多数国际学生对在澳大利亚的生活和学习方面的体验表示满意。


“报告显示84%的国际学生对他们在澳大利亚的学习体验满意或非常满意,86%的学生则对生活体验表示满意或非常满意。” Evans参议员说到。



“澳大利亚政府坚决支持国际教育行业高质量和健全完善的发展,并保持澳大利亚在各级教育领域内作为优质教育提供者的良好国际声誉,” Evans参议员说到。


报告概要已刊登在 网站上。



Senator the Hon Christopher Evans

Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations

16 December, 2010

Media release

International students positive about Australian education

New research released today shows international students’ level of satisfaction with Australian education is on the rise.

Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans, today welcomed the National Survey of International Students Studying in Australia report, showing the majority of international students are satisfied with their living and study experiences in Australia.

Senator Evans said student satisfaction is a key indicator of quality with international students playing a key role in promoting the Australian education experience overseas.

“The report shows that 84% of international students were satisfied or very satisfied with their study experience and 86% with their living experience in Australia,” Senator Evans said.

“It was also encouraging to find that more than 85% of students were satisfied or very satisfied with the level of support they received on arrival, confirming Australia’s reputation as a country that welcomes international students.”

In the latest survey, conducted from late 2009 to mid 2010, the top four factors influencing tertiary students’ decision to study in Australia were: quality of teaching (94% of respondents); reputation of the qualification from their chosen education institution (93%); personal safety (92%), and; reputation of the institution (91%).

“The Government is firmly committed to supporting the quality and integrity of Australia’s international education sector and maintaining our international reputation as a provider of high quality education at every level,” Senator Evans said.

“It is important we continue to build on initiatives undertaken at all levels of government to improve international students’ experiences in Australia, and to strengthen our educational co-operation with other nations.”

The overview report is available at




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