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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04





2010年12月16日,澳大利亚高等教育、技能、工作和劳资关系部长Chris Evans参议员对澳大利亚教育、就业和劳资关系部国际教育司(英文简称AEI)国际学生调查报告的公布予以欢迎。报告显示绝大多数国际学生对在澳大利亚的生活和学习方面的体验表示满意。










16 December 2010 2010 AEI International Student Survey

Key Messages

On 16 December 2010 the Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans welcomed the release of the 2010 AEI International Student Survey. The survey shows that the majority of international students are satisfied with their living and study experiences in Australia.

Senator Evans said that student satisfaction is a key indicator of quality with international students playing a key role in promoting the Australian education experience overseas.

The report shows that 84% of international students were satisfied or very satisfied with their study experience and 86% with their living experience in Australia. This is comparable to the scores received in the last international student survey conducted in 2006 (84% for study experience and 85% for living experience).

Over 85% of students were satisfied or very satisfied with the level of support they received on arrival, confirming Australia’s reputation as a country that welcomes international students.

The top four factors influencing tertiary students’ decision to study in Australia were: quality of teaching (94% of respondents); reputation of the qualification from their chosen education institution (93%); personal safety (92%) and reputation of the institution (91%). Background

To assist the COAG commitment to improve the experience of international students, AEI commissioned a national survey of international students in late 2009. The survey was designed to obtain a greater understanding of the experiences of current international students living and studying in Australia.

One of the principal objectives of the survey was to obtain information about the perceptions current international students have about their study experience in Australia. This information provides government and the international education sector with valuable indicators of how well Australian education institutions are meeting the expectations of international students and how resources might best be directed to improve student satisfaction.

The survey sought responses from international students studying on-shore in the Higher Education, and Schools Vocational Education and Training and English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students sectors.



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