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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04






·推出新的签证类别,即专业发展签证(Professional Development Visa)和学生监护人签证(Student Guardian Visa);




研究项目奖学金主要包括两类奖学金项目:一是海外研究生研究奖学金(IPRS)项目,自1996年至2002年的六年间共资助702名中国学生赴澳就读研究生课程;二是澳亚政府奖学金(Australia-Asia Award),2003年共有2名中国学者获得这一奖学金。





北京:澳大利亚驻华大使馆教育处电话:010 6532 2331转145传真:010 6532 5585电子邮件

上海:澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆教育处电话:021 5292 5500转210传真:021 5292 5267电子邮件

广州:澳大利亚驻广州总领事馆教育处电话:020 8335 5911转213传真:020 8332 5280电子邮件



Australian Government Announces a Boost for International Education

The Australian Government has announced a comprehensive package worth more than million which will boost Australia's international education activities, as part of the 2003-2004Budget Announcement delivered on 13 May 2003.

Highlights of the budget package include:

·Strengthening enforcement measures which assure the quality and integrity of education providers in Australia which enrol overseas students;

·Development of a self-regulatory framework to enhance quality assurance for international students studying outside Australia;

·Boost the integrity of the student visa program;

·Introduce new visa classes for sponsored professional development and student guardian visas;

·Support four International Centres of Excellence in education, science and innovation, and tourism;

·Establish the Endeavour Program* of scholarships and fellowships to attract high performing students from around world to Australia and provide Australian language teachers with short-term overseas fellowships;

·Establish a new National Language Centre to boost language and business cultural skills.

*The Endeavour Program includes the continuing International Postgraduate Research Scholarships scheme, which has supported 702 Chinese postgraduate students between 1996 and 2002, and the Australia-Asia Awards program which provided two scholarships to Chinese students in 2003.

The Government's package will be introduced during the next four years.

Research shows that Australia continues to be one of the most affordable overseas study destinations, with costs of living and course fees significantly lower than the USA and UK. Australia's advantageous position will not be affected by the small increase in visa charges (up from 1 July 2003) and provider registration charges included in course fees (only per student). Reports that Australia will significantly increase tuition fees and other costs are not correct.

Education is Australia's third largest services export, representing over billion in national income per annum. Chinese students form the largestsgroupsof international students in Australia, with 35,000 enrolments in May 2003. International students provide the foundation for strong foreign and trade relations, as well as research and scientific exchanges and collaboration which are vital to Australia's economic growth and development. Australia has the third largest number of international students of English speaking nations.

Students or education agents seeking additional information are invited to contact

In Beijing:Education Office, Australian Embassy BeijingPh: 010 6532 2331, ext 145Fax: 010 6532 5585Email:

In Shanghai:Education Office, Australian Consulate General ShanghaiPh: 021 5292 5500, ext 210Fax: 021 5292 5267Email:

In Guangzhou:Education Office, Australian Consulate General GuangzhouPh: 020 8335 5911, ext 213Fax: 020 8332 5280Email:


上一篇:德国大学不堪重负 外国留学生需耐心等待 下一篇:2003年度公派留学选派有重要调整