时间 2002年4月13日 13:00-18:00 2002年4月14日 10:00-17:00
地点 中国大饭店 北京市建国门外大街1号
1 University of Abertay Dundee2 Bellerbys College3 Birmingham College of Food and Tourism4 Bradford College5 Brunel University6 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College7 Cardiff University8 Churchill House School of English Language9 City College Brighton and Hove10 The City College Manchester11 University of Derby12 University of Essex13 Gyosei International College 14 University of Hertfordshire15 University of Huddersfield16 University of Hull17 Institute of Education, University of London18 Keele University19 University of Leeds20 University of Liverpool21 London Guildhall University 22 The London Institute23 University College London24 Middlesex University in London25 University of Newcastle upon Tyne26 University of North London27 Northumbria University28 University of Portsmouth29 The Robert Gordon University30 South Bank University31 University of Southampton32 University of Stirling33 University of Strathclyde34 University of Sunderland35 University of Surrey36 Thanet College37 University of Warwick38 University of York
时间 2002年4月20日 9:00-12:30 13:30-17:00 2002年4月21日 9:00-12:30 13:30-17:00
地点 长城饭店大宴会厅 北京市朝阳区东三环北路10号
上一篇:政府加大力度解除留学人员后顾之忧 下一篇:国家批准的228家自费出国留学中介名单