
当前位置:查字典资讯网 > 留学 > 7月留澳申请表157A发生变化(7.2)


来自:查字典教育资讯网 2014-12-12



New forms 1244, State/Territory Sponsorship: Skilled Independant Regional (Provisional) Class

Forms and booklets with essential changes Essential change forms usually contain information about legislative changes or have been amended to reflect those changes. This means that replacement stock must be ordered because existing stock will need to be destroyed. Existing stocks of these forms must be destroyed prior to the date of effect of the legislative changes for this cycle, that is, 1 July 2004.

Forms and booklets 40, 40CH, 40SP, 47SK, 47SP, 147, 424, 456, 959i, 968i, 990i, 993i, 994i (and other language versions of this form), 1027i, 1040, 1066, 1110, 1119,1121i, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1131, 1154, 1160i, 1182, 1187i, 1196, 1220i, 1226, 1227, 1228i.

Forms and booklets with non-essential changes Only minor changes have been made to the text or construction of these forms. Existing stock, with acceptable earlier design dates, can continue to be used.

Forms and booklets 47BT, 47BU, 48, 48ARA, 48POR, 48SPA, 48R (and other language versions of this form), 118, 119, 124, 157A, 157G, 157N, 601, 922, 927, 1006, 1014i, 1121i, 1132, 1138, 1195, 1213, 1215i, 1217.



上一篇:英使馆提供权威网址助你识别假大学(7.6... 下一篇:高考成绩对部分国家申请留学有用(7.9)