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来自:查字典教育资讯网 2015-01-04





Queen Mary, University of London商业计算机毕业生

Royal Holloway 商业信息系统毕业生宁丹妮




83261634 83261614


Zhongli:University of Cambridge

Huangliang:University of York, UK

Xiabo & Liyu:Imperial College London

Gaowei & Zhaozhen:Cardiff University

Yantin:University College London, University of London

Yuanzhu & Leiming:London School of Economics

Pengchao:The University of Nottingham

Chenjin & Pengbo: The University of Reading

Liangshuang & Chenxi: The University of Sheffield

Longrunjiang: University of Leeds

Wangzizhou: The University of Warwick

Songyang: The University of Bath

Zhangyuanchun: The University of Nottingham

Dairuirui: University of Sussex


Zengying: Macquarie University

Youmintong: UNSW

Suyuxi: The University of Melbourne

Dengwei & Zhangjie:The University of Melbourne

Chenrouzhen & Yuzhen:UNSW

Zhaohanbin & Wangbei:Monash University

Pangwei:The University of Sydney

Yejingyi:The University of Melbourne

Tanxiangyou:The University of Melbourne……


Bristol University

The University of Sydney

Lancaster University

Griffith University

Loughborough University

Monash University

University of Portsmouth

Curtin University of Technology

Queen Mary University of London

The University of Melbourne

The University of Reading

UNSW The University of New South Wales

University of Salford

La Trobe University

The University of Warwick

The University of Queensland

Cardiff University

The Australian National University

The University of Bath

The University of Western Australia

Oxford Brookes University

University of Technology, Sydney

The University of Sheffield

RMIT - RMIT University

University of Oxford

Macquarie University

University of Cambridge

Imperial College London

University of Victoria, British Columbia Canada

University of York, UK

Simon Fraser University

University of Durham

University of Waterloo Ontario, Canada

The University of St Andrews

University of Toronto

The University of Nottingham

Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The University of Edinburgh

McMaster University

The University of Manchester

The University of British Columbia -

The University of Birmingham

The University of Western Ontario

Royal Holloway, University of London

York University

Lancaster University U.K.

McGill University


University of Southampton

The University of Auckland

The University of Essex

Auckland University of Technology

Aston Universitye

The University of Waikato (International)

The University of Exeter

Victoria University of Wellington

University of Leeds

University of Otago

University of East Anglia

London South Bank University

LSE - London School of Economics


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